Natural Gas, Recipe For Fueling Nigeria’s Economy – PwC

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As the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration strives to rescue the nation’s economy with a focus on diversification, experts in the energy sector have continue to emphasise the need to deploy Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a key component to hastening the initiative. There is no gainsaying that a good number of experts in the oil & gas industry perceived that … Read More

Gas Industry Must Invest in ‘New Energy Future’

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According to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), regardless of the current bleak landscape of the Africa’s oil & gas industry, there is still hope for the sector to attract investors’ confidence. In the PwC Africa, oil & gas review, 2016 report the international advisory company states that in the face of global oil prices declining, the African continent still offers significant opportunities in the … Read More