Leadership Tussle: $3bn IPMAN Refinery Dream Now A Mirage

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The policy of deregulation of the downstream oil industry in Nigeria from an economic point of view considers the enormous subsidy pay out to petroleum marketers as Nigeria in the last five years has consistently spent over N1 trillion,  that is about $5 billion, on petrol subsidies. The deregulation of the sub-sector, government argues, will open up the sector to … Read More

Natural Gas, Recipe For Fueling Nigeria’s Economy – PwC

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As the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration strives to rescue the nation’s economy with a focus on diversification, experts in the energy sector have continue to emphasise the need to deploy Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a key component to hastening the initiative. There is no gainsaying that a good number of experts in the oil & gas industry perceived that … Read More