NNPC Pledges to Promote Gas Development

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The Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Dr. Maikanti Baru, has said the corporation will ensure the maximisation of the nation’s vast gas resources by incentivising all parts of the gas value chain. He said the NNPC would support the Nigerian Gas Association to achieve its objectives of ensuring that the country derives maximum benefit from its … Read More

Challenges of Transforming the Nigerian Power Landscape – PwC

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Nigeria has about 13Giga Watt (GW) of electricity generating capacity, a transmission capacity of 5GW and distribution that hovers between 3.5 and 4.2GW. Currently, natural gas accounts for more than 80% of Nigeria’s generating fuel needs. About 30% increase in available generation is possible if the gas constraints are resolved. Natural gas is set to become the leading fossil fuel … Read More

Amendment of NLNG Act Threatens $25b Prospective Investment

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Apart from the immediate relocation of investments in excess of $25 billion to other countries, Nigeria will also be opened to the risk of fines running into billions of dollars in International Courts if it amends the Nigeria LNG Acts, according to the Managing Director of Nigeria Liquiedfied Natural Gas (NLNG), Babs Omotowa. Omotowa said that Venezuela and Ecuador were … Read More