Challenges of Transforming the Nigerian Power Landscape – PwC

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Nigeria has about 13Giga Watt (GW) of electricity generating capacity, a transmission capacity of 5GW and distribution that hovers between 3.5 and 4.2GW. Currently, natural gas accounts for more than 80% of Nigeria’s generating fuel needs. About 30% increase in available generation is possible if the gas constraints are resolved. Natural gas is set to become the leading fossil fuel … Read More

GENCOs Raise Concern Over TCN’s Operational Capacity

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Electricity Generation Companies (Gencos) have attributed the current transmission infrastructure of the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) as a threat to the safety of their operations and equipment. The Gencos have, in their expression of distrust with TCN’s operational capacity, also restated similar feelings on TCN as shared by the electricity Distribution Companies (Discos). They had earlier in 2014 warned … Read More