Our Corporate Social Responsibility Framework

We believe that an efficient Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Framework, anchored on comprehensive systems and policies, is key to our businesses’ success. Our framework is in line with our corporate business model as well as international management standards, and regional expertise.

Our CSR vision encompasses four key objectives:

Our CSR framework is also taken into context in the company’s relationship management with host communities, stockholders, employees, suppliers and trade partners.

  1. To be known as a responsible and sustainable business in each of our operating areas, believing this is crucial to delivering long-term development for our companies;
  2. To create a lasting positive impact on our host communities;
  3. To comply with the highest, internationally recognized HSE standards; and
  4. To observe high standards in internal business governance.

Apart from supporting our business model, our strategic approach to CSR also lays down the core values which make VURIN Group a responsible corporate entity. We set ourselves a high standard against measurable performance, and we recognize the need to be a preferred contractor or partner. Our approach dictates how we manage relationships with all of our affiliates and stockholders, and the potential impact our partnership can have on the community and the environment. We undertake several initiatives across our service portfolio.

Environmental Matters & Sustainability

We strive to make a significant contribution to the preservation of the areas in which we operate and to reduce the negative effects of our activities. We commit to mitigate hazards, or prevent them wherever possible, to protect the environment, our host communities and our people. We also advocate, and put a premium on, recycling systems and processes, to reduce waste products.

Sustainability in Business

We work to create a positive contribution to oil and gas sustainability on a global scale through our safe operations, modern facilities, adoption of technologically advanced systems, and our good relationship with stockholders.

Health & Safety

In line with our HSE policies, the health and safety of our people and host communities is topnotch priority at VURIN Group. Most organizations engaged in oil and gas operations are faced with challenges in terms of health and safety; industrial catastrophes and illnesses resulting from activities, among others. Zero injuries and casualties in all of our operations is a primary objective, and one of the company’s key performance indicators. We observe complete understanding of cultural differences in our areas of operation, and ensure these are addressed in the planning of our HSE policies. As an end result, we design, maintain and implement world class health and safety systems throughout the organization.

Employee Services

Our strong partnership and shareholder networks are linked to our capability to source, grow and motivate high quality talents. We promote a cohesive relationship among our employees, so they can perform safely and effectively, and be able to recognize and respect each other’s cultures, traditions and nuances across our work areas. We cultivate common goals among employees, partners and contractors, particularly, and most importantly, the prevention of work-related accidents, commitment to good governance, and personal responsibility.

  • Basic Work Rights & Principles. We observe the four basic employee rights and principles of the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration. In line with local laws and regulations, we respect and acknowledge the right to association, collective bargain and an occupation that is voluntarily chosen, without discrimination in terms of racial and cultural and religious characteristics, and without forced labor.
  • Equal Opportunity for All. We are committed to reward positive contribution to our organization, and provide each of our people an opportunity for career growth. These opportunities are not in any way dictated by special preferences other than actual job performance.
  • Health Care. As lifeblood of our business, our employees are afforded with sufficient health care coverage, especially for occupational hazards and injuries. Specifically, we strive to understand and resolve health challenged presented to us by our employees and their host communities.
We put a premium on achievements and provide growth opportunities to all employees from all ranks of the business. In dealing with them, we practice compliance to relevant national and international labor provisions.

Community & Human Rights

It is of topnotch importance that the company’s relationships with contractors and people within the immediate business environments are amicable and with mutual respect. We recognize that lasting and sustainable partnerships positively impact our business as a whole. We work to spread the economic benefits of our operations to external parties by practicing effective community relations.

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations). We uphold people’s rights, and our company is fully compliant to the provisions stated in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We always make it a point that these provisions extend to all levels of the value chain, and our partners are part of our contract requirements.
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Rights. VURIN Group supports the provisions in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As a company, we respect cultural identity, language and differences.
  • Access to Assets. We ensure our employees receive extensive support for their activities throughout the life cycle of a project. This is done by working closely with investors and partners to put forward sustainable development, management and technological factors in all integrated operations.

Right Business Conduct

VURIN Group is a non-partisan organization, and is not involved in politics, whether directly or indirectly. We have no direct association with politicians is our host communities, nor do we provide assistance to political activities.

  • Internal Bribery and Corruption. We are strongly opposed to any form of bribery and corruption among our employees, contractors and stakeholders. Gratuities may only be given and received if they are in line with local business conduct, are modest in monetary value, and cannot, in any way, be mistaken as a form of bribe. It is our policy that any transaction made between our company and suppliers is executive based solely on price and quality. Award of contracts should not be made as a result of receiving or giving favors. Meanwhile, employees are not allowed to accept gifts and possible inducements from third party companies. Tokens, apart from novelty items of minimal value, should not be accepted. In the case of local cultures where corporate gift giving is a practice, gifts received by employees should be declared to the company, or whenever possible, donated to a preferred charity. Our anti-bribery and corruption provisions are robust and comprehensive to encourage compliance.
  • Approach to Customers. We give a high regard to mutual trust and confidence with our customers and contractors. Our employees are mandated to deliver only the highest levels of service consistently, surpassing expectations and achieving their ever-changing needs.
  • Approach to Suppliers. We are aggressively building our supplier network to easier access to assets. We treat our suppliers and contractors fairly and respectfully at all times. Every supplier, who would like to extend their services to us, is given a reasonable opportunity to secure one of our contracting requirements. We commit to pay suppliers in full on an agreed due date, and in line with the agreed transaction terms. All suppliers, meanwhile, should conduct their transactions and activities in accordance to the company’s trade policies.